I can't believe it has already been a year since our little Jane came into the world. She is a little sweetheart and she's a mama's girl for now. She has been bum scooting for months with no intention of crawling
. Despite my best tries she wasn't interested because she was much faster on her bum. Finally on the morning of her first birthday she got up and crawled across the kitchen like a pro. She still mostly scoots along but now we know she can crawl if she has a mind to.
Jane skipped baby food and went straight to table food. It saves money but is a lot harder to take anything on the go, not to mention nothing is just mine, we share everything from rice and beans to the Twix. I think her favorite things are strawberry lemonade and daddy's home made rice and beans. Breakfast is another story she wants nothing to do with it. We are trying scrambled eggs now and she is at least willing to give them a try.

She loves to be outside or playing with her big sister. No one can make Jane laugh and smile as well as Shara. They have so much fun together, what a blessing they both are.
Your girls are so cute. I hope you don't mind I ran across your blog. Its amazing how life changes and goes by so fast. Happy Birthday Jane!
Kenna Janie looks like she should be part of that commerical about the family that is cutting back on their electric bill by switching to static electricity. That is diffinently some hair-do. Love mom
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