Well, the one thing that I have realized as we have looked at houses is that the one thing that I am totally afraid is truly growing up. I don't know how to do many things that it seems my father was innately good at like: taking care of a yard, lawn, fixing leaky faucets, general maintenance with cars and basically being what I would call a true adult. I mentioned that I didn't fee like a real adult to one of my co-workers and she quickly recanted "You own your business, have a doctorate degree, are married and have 2 kids...I'm pretty sure you are already there" (meaning I am an adult).
This was nothing short of terrifying, simply because the thought of me being an adult is pretty silly. I mean, let's face it; I would still play with transformers if A) it was socially acceptable B) I had the time and C) my best friend Dave wasn't in Idaho (cause I know he'd play with me). Of course we would have some type of smoke screen like we were playing with our kids, but I have 2 girls and he has 1 gril so we would probably get smoked out :-]

Buying a house seems like it would be "the nail in the coffin" to seal the deal that I am actually an adult. I am not sure that I can deal with truly being a responsible adult and although I am only 28 years old I can appreciate why people have mid-life crisis. I will consider this my early/transitional life crisis. Oh if only I could institute recess in the adult world where everyone is required to go outside, form a pickup game of flag football in an environment where all the toys were provided along with "the lunch lady" (Usually a giant lady that keeps the bullies away, picks you up when you fall, gets your ball if it goes over the fence and has the eyes on the back of her head so no one can get away with anything).

So I guess Kenna was right when she said that going through those model homes (see our last post for details) truly was "the beginning of the end". It would now appear that I am about to embark upon a life with more and more adult stuff: talking about life insurance, mortgages, interest rates, investing, and other things they talk about on CNN...if I have a nervous break down, don't say I didn't warn you. :]
I need a vacation and luckily we are about to take one...we are going to heaven on earth, also known as San Clemente, CA