Well, I recently enjoyed the experience of replacing crown molding on an entertainment center we inherited/received from a family member. I gained 2 things from the experience:
1.) If you really, really want to mess with someone's brain, ask them to put up crown molding and return in 2-4 hours. I would suggest only performing such a practical joke on those you wish to truly lose their minds. Also, be prepared for agitation, aggression and profane language upon your return (don't say I didn't warn you, I've even seen bishops turn into sailors).
2.) I am now a true man. For a pencil-pusher/nerd physical therapist that really has no talent when it comes to tools, construction and other 'manly' things, I can say I conquered the beast (and the beast wasn't as scary as I thought).
After concluding that my father in law or brother in law shouldn't have to hold my hand every time I approached a tool, I decided that I would just dive right in. 2 hours at Home Depot, a miter saw, air compression and finish nail gun later I was armed to fight the beast. Being naive I figured this must be simple geometry and cut them at 45 degree angles...after my first cut the look on my face may have indicated that I had realized I was in over my head.
Luckily as a physical therapist we have to measure angles all the time (usually to see if people are regaining their range of motion in a joint, e.g. shoulder, knee or ankle). So I used a goniometer (see picture) to find the angles I need as well as a quick consultation with the omniscient 'google'.
Again I thought I was on top of things until I realized the brain twister of how to place the crown in order to get the correct cut. It is not really that difficult but when you are getting play by play commentary from a 2 and 5 year old with questions about the scary machine and comments like "Daddy, I don't think you know what you are doing" or "I bet gramdpa or chad would be done by now" (courtesy of Shara) it is not too hard to get frustrated. Jane was kind enough to give me her opinion as well which consisted of "It's too loud!!!" "Scary!!! Scary!! Stop it daddy!!"
Nonetheless, my determination was fierce and focused. By the time I was finished it was dark, the girls had in bed for a while, my neighbors were grateful the noise finally came to an end, and no blood had been shed. Success.
Hanging it was fun too, not nearly as hard and the crown looks great!! Ta da'!! It may have taken a few tries though (see below) :]
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Crown Molding...only if you really want to mess with someone
Posted by
Mike Bartholomew
12:14 PM
Friday, March 6, 2009
Fabulous Winner!
You could be a winner!
The first 5 people to respond to this post will receive something made by me for you. I get to pick what I make for you, but it will be especially for you.
But here's the deal:
1 I make no guarantees that you will like what I make! (But I'll try to make something cool:)
2 What I create will be just for you.
3 It will be done sometime this year.
4 You have no clue what it will be.
The catch? The catch is that you must repost this on your own blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on their blog. The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me they did will win a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift by me!! Maybe I'll get crafty, maybe I'll bake, maybe I'll come with something else. Who knows! So come and play along!
Posted by
Mike Bartholomew
5:47 PM
New stages
As you are all aware I have never been a great updater but felling under the weather has definitely slowed me down even more. Trust me it shows in my house too. I am normally a very faithful cleaner but have I let it go the last few weeks. I felt good the second half of the day yesterday and got the ball rolling. I got off the couch and cleaned my house from top to bottom I even organized my files and scrapbook room and got two projects done. I thought I shouldn't stop there, I thought I would update too. This morning I was so excited because I an 14 weeks along and was not expecting to feel the baby move for another week, but it has been moving like crazy today. It makes it feel a lot more real when you can feel the baby inside, I think this is one of my favorite parts, to bad Mike and the girls will still have to wait awhile to feel it. Many have you have been asking how far along I am and when I am due. I wasn't 100% sure so I have put off answering. After my Dr visit a week and a half ago I am sure. I am 14 weeks today and due on Sept 4. Both of my girls have been a week early so we might make the school deadline with this one. Thank you for all the offers to help me out. We are doing great and I really feel pretty good now except at night. I am hoping that only last another week or so. Now my biggest problem with this new stage is finding clothes to wear, I'm barely showing so maternity clothes are way to big and I am just big enough my regular clothes look a little funny. Oh well can't have it all I guess. If you see me just don't tell me you can really tell now and I will survive the awkward stage.
Posted by
Mike Bartholomew
7:30 AM