Saturday, January 5, 2008

Merry Christmas

I just think this is the most classic picture, what do you think?

Christmas was fun. We had mikes parents and sister over in the morning to open presents


Of course that is the morning they are content to sleep in. We ended up having to wake them up.

Jane was not very excited about her rocking horse, in the store we couldn't get her off it. However she loved the ball pit Santa brought her. Shara got an art easel and dress ups. Santa was a little frantic about a blue hat that Shara requested last min. It was a blue Easter hat to go with her Cinderella dress. lets just say Santa and his helpers are very resourceful.

Michael loved his surprise, I had amazing pictures of me and the girls taken. Please see slide show for info, she really is amazing. Mike got me a Sizzix machine which i am so excited to play with. We had a lot of fun dong things for others and spending time as a family.
We had a family Wii night and a big dinner the day after Christmas, the whole family was here. It doesn't happen often and might not happen again for many years. It was wonderful to have everyone together. Thanks Mom and Dad.