Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
She is Here!!!
Today we were blessed to have another beautiful baby girl join our family. We are naming her Megan, yes she has a middle name but I don't want to list to much info. She was 7lbs 6oz just like Mike predicted. I cant believe how good he is at that. She also has dark brown hair, as he predicted, short but a fair amount. She may lighten up like the other girls but it is pretty dark like Mikes. She rally looks a lot like both my other girls did when they were born, especially the big cheeks. I must say that she is more vocal than both the girls were, maybe that comes with being third, she wants to make sure she is heard. So far she takes a binki and I am loven it. She is healthy and the delivery went fast and smooth, according to the nurse I make it look like a piece of cake. It was really fun to have the girls come meet her, Shara love holding her. Its crazy to think that we have another. Thanks for all the support and enjoy the pics.
Posted by
Mike Bartholomew
9:59 PM
Friday, August 28, 2009
So grown up
Kindergarten, can you believe it my little one is all grown up and starting kindergarten. She has been so excited for school to start if only they kept that enthusiasm all 13 years of school. Here is a pic of her on the first day,
Posted by
Mike Bartholomew
5:14 PM
Ready or not here she comes!
She is almost here. I am going in a few days early to have the baby, and I can hardly wait. I don't think I have ever been so prepared. I have cleaned my house, got the laundry done, made a meal plan, organized the baby stuff, finished up my project list, stocked up on library movies and books, and pre-made the baby announcements. I think the only thing left to do is go grocery shopping one more time. I have made a tone of girlie things for this baby so naturally everyone keeps saying it will come out a boy. I have a crib set and a box of boy clothes so I would be prepared for that so I think I am safe knowing it's a girl. I can't wait to see what she looks like!
Posted by
Mike Bartholomew
4:55 PM
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Meet the newest member of the Bartholomew family, Jak (pronounced Jack). Those of you who know me may also know how psychotic I can be about my house (and how I like to keep it clean). So believing that I would let a dog into my house might be hard to believe, but yes we got a dog. Who could resist that cute little face. He is half Yorkie and half Maltese, he will grow to about 3 pounds so he will stay fairly little. We thought we could use another boy in the house. He can be the sweetest thing and very frisky too. So far no allergy problems have arose so it looks like he gets to stay.
Posted by
Mike Bartholomew
11:55 AM
Friday, April 24, 2009
What a Party!
I seem to be way behind on posting, Shara's birthday was a long time ago but we wanted to share the pictures. We had a punch (tea) party with a few cousins and friends. We dressed up, made necklaces and had our snack. It was very laid back but super fun. Each girl came dressed up in their fancy clothes and got a hat and gloves.
The night before we had dessert with her grandparents. What a cutie, I can't believe how big she is getting.
Posted by
Mike Bartholomew
7:20 AM
Are you Dying to know?
We found out what we are having, Its a GIRL! Big surprise I know, we seem to be really good at girls. We are very excited, and maybe someday we will get a boy here. No we have not decided on a name yet. We have a few in mind but we still have four months to decide. I figured it would be a girl because we just had a wave of boys around here and now it is time for the wave of girls. We are definitely prepared.
Posted by
Mike Bartholomew
7:08 AM
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Crown Molding...only if you really want to mess with someone
Well, I recently enjoyed the experience of replacing crown molding on an entertainment center we inherited/received from a family member. I gained 2 things from the experience:
1.) If you really, really want to mess with someone's brain, ask them to put up crown molding and return in 2-4 hours. I would suggest only performing such a practical joke on those you wish to truly lose their minds. Also, be prepared for agitation, aggression and profane language upon your return (don't say I didn't warn you, I've even seen bishops turn into sailors).
2.) I am now a true man. For a pencil-pusher/nerd physical therapist that really has no talent when it comes to tools, construction and other 'manly' things, I can say I conquered the beast (and the beast wasn't as scary as I thought).
After concluding that my father in law or brother in law shouldn't have to hold my hand every time I approached a tool, I decided that I would just dive right in. 2 hours at Home Depot, a miter saw, air compression and finish nail gun later I was armed to fight the beast. Being naive I figured this must be simple geometry and cut them at 45 degree angles...after my first cut the look on my face may have indicated that I had realized I was in over my head.
Luckily as a physical therapist we have to measure angles all the time (usually to see if people are regaining their range of motion in a joint, e.g. shoulder, knee or ankle). So I used a goniometer (see picture) to find the angles I need as well as a quick consultation with the omniscient 'google'.
Again I thought I was on top of things until I realized the brain twister of how to place the crown in order to get the correct cut. It is not really that difficult but when you are getting play by play commentary from a 2 and 5 year old with questions about the scary machine and comments like "Daddy, I don't think you know what you are doing" or "I bet gramdpa or chad would be done by now" (courtesy of Shara) it is not too hard to get frustrated. Jane was kind enough to give me her opinion as well which consisted of "It's too loud!!!" "Scary!!! Scary!! Stop it daddy!!"
Nonetheless, my determination was fierce and focused. By the time I was finished it was dark, the girls had in bed for a while, my neighbors were grateful the noise finally came to an end, and no blood had been shed. Success.
Hanging it was fun too, not nearly as hard and the crown looks great!! Ta da'!! It may have taken a few tries though (see below) :]
Posted by
Mike Bartholomew
12:14 PM
Friday, March 6, 2009
Fabulous Winner!
You could be a winner!
The first 5 people to respond to this post will receive something made by me for you. I get to pick what I make for you, but it will be especially for you.
But here's the deal:
1 I make no guarantees that you will like what I make! (But I'll try to make something cool:)
2 What I create will be just for you.
3 It will be done sometime this year.
4 You have no clue what it will be.
The catch? The catch is that you must repost this on your own blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on their blog. The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me they did will win a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift by me!! Maybe I'll get crafty, maybe I'll bake, maybe I'll come with something else. Who knows! So come and play along!
Posted by
Mike Bartholomew
5:47 PM
New stages
As you are all aware I have never been a great updater but felling under the weather has definitely slowed me down even more. Trust me it shows in my house too. I am normally a very faithful cleaner but have I let it go the last few weeks. I felt good the second half of the day yesterday and got the ball rolling. I got off the couch and cleaned my house from top to bottom I even organized my files and scrapbook room and got two projects done. I thought I shouldn't stop there, I thought I would update too. This morning I was so excited because I an 14 weeks along and was not expecting to feel the baby move for another week, but it has been moving like crazy today. It makes it feel a lot more real when you can feel the baby inside, I think this is one of my favorite parts, to bad Mike and the girls will still have to wait awhile to feel it. Many have you have been asking how far along I am and when I am due. I wasn't 100% sure so I have put off answering. After my Dr visit a week and a half ago I am sure. I am 14 weeks today and due on Sept 4. Both of my girls have been a week early so we might make the school deadline with this one. Thank you for all the offers to help me out. We are doing great and I really feel pretty good now except at night. I am hoping that only last another week or so. Now my biggest problem with this new stage is finding clothes to wear, I'm barely showing so maternity clothes are way to big and I am just big enough my regular clothes look a little funny. Oh well can't have it all I guess. If you see me just don't tell me you can really tell now and I will survive the awkward stage.
Posted by
Mike Bartholomew
7:30 AM
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Simple Joys
I have been thinking of how it seems to be the simplest things in life that bring us joy. For example the girls worked together the other night to surprise us by putting flowers in Jane's hair, because of the reaction they got they have done it over and over. Then last night at the store my girls found toy cameras, You can't really see through them and the only thing they do is say 3 or 4 things when you push the button, but they think it is the greatest. They worked together the other night to surprise us by putting flowers in Jane's hair, because of the reaction they got they have done it over and over. They were just given big beds (twin size with frames) Shara had a big one but it was just on the floor, now Jane is excited for nap time and they both like going to bed. Who would have thought that would make such a difference.
The things I have found to be simple joys lately are:
-A box of cereal that I can eat anytime and still enjoy without being sick
-breakfast rolls that are my morning snack, I love not having to wonder what I can eat.
-20 more min of sleep in the morning when my girls sleep a little longer
-finding two socks with no holes that match (i just bought new ones last night)
-a hug from Mike
-using the restroom without someone coming in(rare when you have young kids)
Shara's simple joys are:
-the paper airplane her daddy helped her make, she can fly it for hours
-working on homework for school, she loves learning, i hope that lasts
-having her picture taken for any reason
-having me read a book to her in an accent
-being moms helper for anything
-opening the jewelery when is arrives to see what everything looks like
Jane loves:
-a sucker, preferably 2. It stops most crying and entertains her for a long time
-knowing her sister has to take a nap too
-doing things by herself like taking off her coat or putting on her shoes and socks
-snuggling, she loves to hold you, whither watching a movie or just hanging out
-hearing the garage and going to meet daddy as he comes in the door
-painting her toes
what I perceive as simple joys for Mike are:
-a day going by with no major problems at work, sometimes rare
-working out in the morning
-being greeted at the door by his girls with a hug
-watching the office
-playing Madden(PlayStation)with Dave uninterrupted
-the beach in San Clemente
What are your simple joys?
Posted by
Mike Bartholomew
8:05 AM
Saturday, January 31, 2009
p90 What!?!?!?!?
p90x by Tony Horton and is:
1)The best and most complete workout I've seen/experienced.
2)Exactly what I needed after getting a little bored of going to the gym by myself.
3)Completely INSANE/intense
So...I have a missed 3 days the past 3 weeks, but I am loving the program. For those of you who haven't heard of it, it is a program that includes 12 workout DVDs. You are suppose to workout 6 days a week and you don't simply randomly pick a DVD. Instead he gives you a great method that will challenge you and keep you interested. The method is called periodization (he calls it muscle confusion) and is currently used for all competitive athletes at the college, professional and even some high school levels.
As a physical therapist, certified strength and conditioning specialist and a proud holder of a "BS" of Exercise Science from BYU I don't know that the problem for me was that I didn't know how to work out. Rather, I think that like most people I just got busy, bored and a little unmotivated. I found myself teaching others how to care for your bodies, injuries and even how to lose weight yet my waist line was larger than ever.
I heard about p90x from a few patients, then my bro in law "Mr. O" bought it and let me preview a few DVDs and I was incredibly impressed. I found a great deal from a friend who burned out after a week and landed the DVDs, workout books and pull up bar for a mere $80. Another $80 investment of push up bars, Heart Rate monitor, yoga mat x 2 (my wife has been enjoying the workouts as well) and a few other odds and ends and I am in love with this workout!!!
The work out is crazy intense, but they show you levels that most average, middle-aged adults could do. This workout is not for those with back, shoulder or knee problems. On that note, I tore my Achilles tendon and can do most of the workouts with my protective boot (except for plyometrics, but that is probably the hardest, most aggressive work out of the bunch).
The Pros:
1) Fun, Tony is just corny enough that he isn't annoying and you don't want to pound his face in as he mocks you. He is a refined trainer that explains well, makes excellent points and is pretty freakin' buff at 50.
2) Different, I LOVE the yoga DVD (however I have yet to complete more than 50 minutes of the 90 min workout), Kenpo is fun, the Shoulder/Arm routine is AWESOME...the chest/back routine is just hard. But nonetheless I feel like there is enough variety that I my interest is piqued and now that I am 3 weeks into it, it is time to do 6 different DVDs this week and I'm not really even ready for that.
3) Incredible technique, form, information, Tony is spot-on with his advice. I have actually incorporated a few of his moves into the rehab of some of my patients.
The Cons:
1)Not for the faint of heart, this will require commitment and if you are really out of shape, you may need to do some lighter training
2) Time, with proper meal planning and the workouts you have to invest at 1.5-2 hours per day, WELL WORTH IT. I am currently working 60+ hours a week to save my company and I still do it, so quite whining.
3)This program may have taken your last excuse away of "I don't know what to do...Working out just isn't fun...I don't have time." Do half the DVD and tell me you aren't completely wasted. It has a 15 min ab workout that leaves my abs in pain they are burning so much.
As they say on the videos..."Do your best and don't worry about the rest"
Two thumbs up, 5 stars, I can't give it any higher recommendation as a health care professional. If everyone did these workouts I would not have a job, period, the end.
I plan on doing several rounds of 90 days due to my Achilles injury and simply based on the fact that I can switch it up and do it forever really. So in a year when I am HUGE, you will know why. :]
P.S. the workout drink they advertise as "really good" ACTUALLY IS!!! The first 1-2 times I thought it was just okay, but I am LOVING it. I drink it 3x/week, instead of 6x as they would like my wallet, I mean as they would like me to do.
see for more details
Posted by
Mike Bartholomew
9:29 PM
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Upcoming in 2009
We hope to see our food storage climb
We plan to go camping all the time
Use P90x to get our bodies prime
Eat no candy, we’ll save our dimes
Shara starts kindergarten, she will shine
Jane using the potty, won’t that be sublime
Welcome the next baby in line
Mini-vacation from mom, we’ll be on cloud nine
Violin lessons to help Kenna’s skills refine
A fun house to continue to design
A garden to grow, weeds to pull, no body whine
Continue to raise Agility’s bottom line
Posted by
Mike Bartholomew
10:12 PM
Top 10 things that happened in 2008
10. Mike falling apart (February severe L Ankle sprain, November R Achilles rupture)
9. Kenna called to Scouts
8. New Year's Eve Party
7. Camping
6. Bike rides with our girls
5. Dave moving back to Utah/Saturday flag football
4. Christmas surprises
3. Kenna's dream car
2. San Clemente vacation
1. Our first home!
Posted by
Mike Bartholomew
9:43 PM
Best Books of 2008
Traveling in my car to Provo and back (and sitting at home in my bed at night) each day gave me a chance to knock out quite a few books. While the last 4 books are business related the application of each book has been more geared toward my personal life than my business. The first 2 are communication/relationship based and apply mostly to personal lives. Here are the highlights:
1.) Leadership and Self Deception by The Arbinger Institute (VERY POOR TITLE, IT SHOULD BE CALLED SOMETHING LIKE "Getting out of the box, where problems begin"
Who should read it: Everyone. This discusses relationships, communication and gives you tools to succeed personally, professionally and religiously.
Pro's: Easy read, written in story form and goes quickly. Very well written. Gives you tools everyone needs, helps take away what I call the "justification card" and helps us realize how to really fix problems.
Cons: None.
Why I loved it: I was really struggling with one of my work relationships, completely changed it and now it is better.
1a) Crucial Conversations by Vital Smarts
Who should read it: Everyone. This book has helped my family, personal and close friend relationships more than any other book.
Pro's: Very well done, easy to listen to and immediately applicable. I would listen to one CD, practice the principles, which began to be innate and sincere very quickly. Not a quick fix book, rather a change in approach. Excellent tools that reduce frustration for all parties involved in the relationship.
Cons: Audio book only
Why I loved it: Immediate change in how I viewed my relationships, how I fit into them and how to improve them. Separates perception from reality in many ways.
1.) The 4 hour work week by Timothy Ferriss
Also see
Who should read it: People who would like to be more efficient, change their paradigm on what productivity really is and those who aren't sure what to choose for their goals/those who have a hard time know what they want.
Pro's: Life-changing ideas about how to be productive, good step by step goals setting, first 100 pages was incredible. The BEST book I read this year, hands down. 1-Define, 2-Eliminate, 3-Automation, 4-Liberation.
Cons: The author is a punk, he makes good points, but he is a punk and swears here and there. Last 200 pages focuses on automation/drop shipping and doesn't necessarily apply to all. He is big on travel, I am not.
Why I loved it: My productivity is about 10x better (no exaggeration, literally 10x) since I read the book, stopped multi-tasking and focused on strong/concentrated efforts on tasks. It also help me define better what I want in life, church, family, etc. Also see this video from the book :
2.) Rich Dad Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki.
Who should read it: People who want to understand the importance of FINANCIAL education and how money really works.
Pro's: Completely changed how I view money, promotes what I would consider gospel principled saving/spending, including tithing. Can be paradigm changing and prepare you to do more. Not a how to book, but rather a how to think book. I re-read it about 2x/year (or listen to it)
Cons: Slow start, written in story form and you may struggle the 1st 1/4 of the book if you a typical 'novel reader'. The truth may hurt at times during this book.
Why I loved it: Helped me see the world through different eyes, very liberating for me personally and helped shape the direction of my future.
3.) The Cash Flow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki (Sequel to Rich Dad Poor Dad)
Who should read it: Those who want to understand what the best way to make money is, once you understood how money really works. Also those who want to find out where they would best fit in society, like those trying to decide on a major in school.
Pro's: Helps you understand the difference between job types, how money flows, taxes and gives you additional financial education.
Cons: He believes that there is a right/wrong way to work, while I may argue that certain people may be happier in certain areas even if they won't make the most money there.
Why I loved it: Incredible book, builds well upon the first book and is the next chapter in your financial education.
4) The E-myth Revisited by Michael Gerber
Who should read it: Anyone who either works at a business or has the desire the start their own large/small business.
Pro's: The Bible of how to start a business the right way, helps those who shouldn't do it decide not to.
Cons: Michael Gerber has a hard time getting to the point in certain areas of the books and can be long winded, I recommend the audio version for this reason.
Why I loved it: Probably helped me develop my company (Agility Physical Therapy) more than any other book. Best how to book, while the others are more philosophy based.
5.) The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason
Who should read it: Everyone, teaches basic principles about money.
Pro's: Short, direct book, with great examples, quick read. Promotes very sound/conservative financial principles.
Con's: Written in an old world English that drove me nuts at times.
Why I loved it: Drove to home the importance of paying yourself first. I don't know that it taught me many new things, but certainly helped me realize the ramifications of poor priorities/habits with regard to finance.
Posted by
Mike Bartholomew
11:45 AM
Christmas surprise...take notes boys this is how it's done
This year I decided to try and really surprise my sweetie. I found out that a car she test drove (and loved) in June was still on the same lot due to the poor economy. I schemed for over a month, negotiated the price only to have the car sold right out from under my nose 1 week before Christmas. This called for some serious scrambling and rethinking on how to make this Christmas a special one and I think I came up with a pretty good result.
Kenna's wedding ring was lost a few years into our marriage and I couldn't afford to buy her a new diamond, but she didn't want her ring setting to be out of production. We have been waiting to replace her diamond for quite a while and this year we did. Rather than just giving her that I came up with a 9 gift scavenger hunt that represented key moments when were dating and culminated with her new diamond. It was fun and she pretty much cried before she even got to the 2nd gift!!
Here is a quick summary of how the gifts went down:
Gift #1- children's book (by Max Lucado) & a willow tree doll,- We met at my brothers house while she was babysitting his kids for their anniversary.
Gift #2-Pint of Ice Cream - Our first date ending with us getting Ice cream and talking for about an hour. I was able to find the same flavor as what she ordered that night!
Gift #3-Toy Boat and Movie tickets- One of our first few dates we know remember as the "marathon date" as it lasted about 14 hours. We went boating, to lunch/dinner, a wedding reception and watched a movie
Gift #4-Rod Iron clock/wrist watch...Some would say that our dating relationship didn't go all that fast. I didn't hold her hand for about...uh...well, about 5 months. So the clock represented the 'time' that I took. :]
Gift #5-Stuffed Animal (Moose). It may have taken longer than 5 months if it had not been for divine intervention. We were on a group date up Little Cottonwood canyon on hike. I wanted to hold her hand, but she was being a bit of a stinker, putting her hands in her pockets, etc (because I was taking so long she decided that I needed to work for it now). A huge MOOSE came barreling down the mountain and scared our group half to death. I took her hand and led her behind a large group of trees and never let go. Thank goodness for that moose!!
Gift #6-Carabiner/Restaurant gift card-Shortly before my birthday my mom informed Kenna that she could be in charge of my birthday. She hadn't 'officially' achieved girlfriend status, or at least we hadn't had the "define the relationship' talk, so it was a bit awkward for her. She did a great job and took me rock climbing and to my favorite restaurant.
Gift #7-Customized ring tone of our song-- Just before Christmas the missionary called her indirectly and said he would call her on Christmas. You can imagine how well this went over with yours truly. This DID spark the 'define the relationship' discussion, which obviously moved things forward.
Gift #8-Walter Rane Art "He is not here" This was the gift she though would finish the hunt as it represented our engagement and my promise to bring her to the house of the Lord. She has been telling me about this piece of artwork for years!!
Gift #9-Her new diamond- I didn't actually bring the diamond home, just a letter from Wilson Diamonds inviting her to come get her new diamond. She was speechless and it was fun!!
P.S. a week after Christmas she found the best deal I've ever seen on the car she wanted and got that too!!
Posted by
Mike Bartholomew
9:22 AM