Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Baby Talk

Jane is now trying to say words. Last night we discovered that she can very clearly say "Jesus", it was very special. She can also say milk, please, ball, baby, all done, poopie, grandma, uh-oh, nana(banana), amen, more, eat, mama (she says it when ever Mike comes home so I think she really means daddy by it). My personal favorite is "cheese" when ever I pull out a camera she starts saying cheese and smiling, it is so cute. She also says nigh-night she finds her baby and a blanket and puts it to bed saying nigh-night over and over in a sing song voice. When I go in to get her when she wakes up she says whats up? (pronounced wuz-up)


Up in Bubbles said...

That great she is talking. A lot more then James. He sure is cute but I wonder when he is going to start talking. The other boys could talk circles around him at his age.