Sunday, November 11, 2007

We all love a little bit of Jewelry

Due to several questions I thought I would share more information about the jewelry I sale. I am personal jewelry consultant for Lia Sophia and I love it. It’s a lot like stamp, candle and shoe parties. Someone hosts the show and I come with my jewelry and provide the party. I love this company because it has great benefits for the hostess and all the jewelry has a lifetime replacement guarantee. I love having a chance to get out with other girls and visit, I get to wear all my fun jewelry and have a little extra cash.

I am starting up a Jewelry club for all you Jewelry Lovers. There are two groups, every one in the group agrees to order $50 worth every month for 6 months (group 1) or every other month for 12 months (group 2). Also, everyone will get a chance to receive hostess benefits. Which are 20% of sales in free jewelry (starting around $50), four items $100 worth for $15 each or at the bonus price listed in the catalog and 2 half price items. On their month they can also get outside orders (orders from people who are not in the group but would like to place orders) if they would like to increase their free credit. If they get three extra orders and two bookings they can get 40% in free jewelry credit. One night a month, two days before orders are due, I will have the jewelry on display at my home for anyone to come try them on and visit, as always everyone is welcome.

If you are interested in hosting a party, catalog show or joining the club or have any questions let me know. To see more of their Jewelry click on the link below. If you would like to view the full catalog please contact me for details.


Terri said...

Interesting concept--a little difficult for me to get my mind around all the details quickly--but it's sure to make sense when you explain it to me in person. The link to the jewelry was great! Good pictures--of course some will look better when you actually see them-- so the idea of being able to come to your home sounds good. Love Mom